BRAVO Pit is a complete table game management and player tracking system.
The system is designed to improve player ratings and pit management by utilizing the latest technology to enhance rating accuracy and evaluate operational efficiency.
BRAVO Pit extends beyond standard electronic rating systems by capturing hand count and propositional bet data with our patented Chip & Card Detection (CCD) System.
Accurate hand count and side bet capture and analysis allows a casino to better evaluate a player’s true value, dealer efficiency and side bet assessment.

Core Product Features
- RFID Integration
- Electronic Rating Card
- Dealer Input Unit
- Ratings by Hand Counts
- Table Utilization Analysis
- Table Surveillance
Core Product Features
- RFID Integration
- Electronic Rating Card
- Dealer Input Unit
- Ratings by Hand Counts
- Table Utilization Analysis
- Table Surveillance
The most complete table game management and player tracking system available on the market.
The system is designed to improve player ratings and pit management by utilizing the latest technology to enhance rating accuracy and evaluate operational efficiency (dealer efficiency and side bet assessment).
The system extends beyond standard electronic ratings by capturing hand count and propositional bet data thanks to Genesis Gaming’s patented Chip & Card Detection (CCD) System and RFID technology.
For the RFID integration, a MARS-24 unit reading PJM 3.0 tags, manufactured by Walker Digital, is used to tie-in a series of antennae which are installed in strategic locations on each table. Each bet position is tracked separately, as well as the dealer buy-in area and chip tray.
The Pit Watch module is the heart of the player tracking and management software. Rating information and table statistics are entered and displayed in the program. Floor personnel use Pit Watch exclusively for all player rating activity, rack management, fills/credits, openers/closers, and marker activity. The program is easily configured to accommodate different hardware configurations including central pit PC, touch PC at pit table and mobile tablet PC.
Supervisors are notified of any customer activity requiring MTL or CTR requirements and surveillance can monitor the Pit Watch program for player alerts and table monetary activity.
The BRAVO® VIVO system enhances table game operations through table-side voucher redemption and payouts.
- Bar code scanners are used by the dealer to accept cash vouchers (e.g. from slots) for table game play.
- Printer hardware is incorporated in the dealer-side of each BRAVO®VIVO enabled table. At the end of play the dealer can issue players a cash-out voucher instead of chips.
- VIVO utilizes approved voucher gateways provided by select CMS systems.
Supervisors are notified of any customer activity requiring MTL or CTR requirements and surveillance can monitor the Pit Watch program for player alerts and table monetary activity.
Because the sensors are installed under the table felt, they are protected and undetectable by the players. The sensors are covered to avoid problems from spills of any kind. When felt changes are performed, the maintenance crews are not entrusted to disconnect or remove the sensors once they are installed thus eliminating inadvertent sensor damage.
With the increasing popularity in table games, casinos need the ability to accurately track and compensate live games as well as efficiently manage the casino pit. BRAVO Pit – CCD is a complete pit management system. We believe our product is the most complete, high- tech product in the market today.
- Accurate and efficient
- Customized marker system integrated with Pit Watch
- Customized credit module
- Customized collection module

The Next Generation in Jackpot Management Systems
No need for Jackpot Controllers
The BRAVO Pit – CCD System is a table is game player ratings and management system is design to track play using correct hand counts for more accurate player reward calculations. Newly developed sensors are positioned under the table felt to detect where cards or chips are placed to determine when a hand is being played. The sensors are designed to read through fabric and can detect changes in ambient light to determine where and when objects are placed on top of the table felt.
The Dealer Checks Players Into A Seat by
Swiping a player’s card and selecting the seat the customer is sitting in.
This is accomplished by using The BRAVO Pit Dealer Unit positioned to the right of the table rack. When the sensors detect they are covered at a particular betting position, the system knows a hand is being played at that spot. Hand counts are then assigned to the individual player checked into that seat at the table. Ratings by hand counts have shown to be a more accurate means of calculating a player’s comp value than the currently used time-based rating. Time and estimated hands per hour are always inexact values that could skew comp calculations drastically.
What About Time Based Ratings?
Are estimated to be longer per session by taking into account: inaccurate time-out, time away from table, shuffle time and table management (fills/credits, deck changes, markers, etc). With the BRAVO Pit- CCD
System, exact hand counts are used in the “Theoretical Win” formula dramatically improving the rating accuracy. Time based ratings have shown to be 10 to 30 percent inaccurate in blackjack ratings and as much as 50 percent off in some carnival and baccarat games.
Casino management can now track any proposition or bonus bet on a game by placing a sensor under the side betting area. Since casinos are charged for these prop or bonus bet games, tracking the utilization of these bets can verify or disprove the cost associated with the game is justified.
The BRAVO Pit – CCD System Tracks all hands
Because the sensors are installed under the table felt, they are protected and undetectable by the players. The sensors are covered to avoid problems from spills of any kind. When felt changes are performed, the maintenance crews are not entrusted to disconnect or remove the sensors once they are installed thus eliminating inadvertent sensor damage.
With the increasing popularity in table games, casinos need the ability to accurately track and compensate live games as well as efficiently manage the casino pit. BRAVO Pit – CCD is a complete pit management system. We believe our product is the most complete, high- tech product in the market today.